Ĭurrently, the most used topical product for this purpose is silver sulfadiazine introduced as the gold standard due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Assessing burn care in Brazil: An epidemiologic, cross-sectional, nationwide study. The annual expenditure of the Brazilian Unified Health System with burn victims is approximately 15 million dollars 6 6 Citron I, Amundson J, Saluja S, Guilloux A, Jenny H, Scheffer M, Shrime M, Alonso N. Conhecimento de profissionais de saúde acerca do atendimento inicial intra-hospitalar ao paciente vítima de queimaduras. Īnnually in Brazil, it is estimated that 1 million people are affected by burns, and 20% of those cases are treated in emergency units and only 5% are treated in specialized burn treatment centers 5 5 Pan R, Silva MTR, Fidelis TLN, Vilela LS, Silveira-Monteiro CA, Nascimento LC. A systematic review of advance practice providers in acute care: Options for a new model in a burn intensive care unit. Perfil epidemiológico clínico de pacientes com queimaduras atendidos pela fisioterapia na Universidade Estadual de Goiás. , 3 3 Rodrigues WC, Pinheiro LA, Lima AT, Battisti L, Mota MAG, Costa MC, Carvalho FM, Hamu TCDS. Burns: Pathophysiology of systemic complications and current management. In addition to the physical impact, this trauma can also cause serious psychological sequelae in individuals, directly affecting their quality of life, thus proper care and management of these patients is of paramount importance 1 1 Nielson CB, Duethman NC, Howard JM, Moncure M, Wood JG. They are therefore a constant challenge for health professionals who deal with this type of traumatic injury daily, due to the severity of these injuries, which can vary depending on the extension, depth and body area involved and its multiple complications. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing 2022.īurns are considered a serious global health problem, which can lead to great morbidity and mortality. These injuries are dynamic and may evolve over time, requiring, therefore, an accurate assessment by specialized professionals regarding the depth of the burn 1 1 Nielson CB, Duethman NC, Howard JM, Moncure M, Wood JG.

These lesions are classified according to their depth into: superficial thickness burns (1st degree) that affect only the skin epidermis partial thickness burns (2nd degree) that affect the layers of the epidermis and dermis (superficial or deep) and full thickness burns (3rd degree) that extend to all layers of the skin (epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue) causing total destruction of the tissue. Thermal agents are the causes of 86% of burns: electrical agents 4%, chemical agents 3% and other causes 7%. Silvercel and Aquacel Ag treatments induced better cosmetic outcomes regarding wound closure and scarring.īurns Bandages Animals Acticoat Collagenīurns are recurrent traumatic injuries resulting from exposure to thermal, chemical, electrical or radioactive agents. However, all the dressings were better than the control at some point during the process, and may contribute to the healing of partial thickness burns. Silvercel and Acticoat presented better results than the other products.

Collagen was induced at 14 DAI by silver sulfadiazine and Aquacel Ag and, at 30 DAI, by silver sulfadiazine and Silvercel treatments.

At 30 DAI, angiogenesis was greater in the Acticoat treatment and fibroblasts were increased by Acticoat and Mepilex Ag. At 14 DAI, hemorrhage was decreased by Silvercel and Mepilex Ag, PMN infiltration increased by Acticoat. Results:Īt 7 DAI, necrosis/crust was greater in control, silver sulfadiazine and Mepilex Ag treatments, granulation tissue was induced by Aquacel Ag, polymorphonuclear infiltrate (PMN) infiltration was intensified by Mepilex Ag mononuclear infiltrate (MN) infiltration and angiogenesis were increased by Silvercel. The animals were monitored daily and euthanized at 7, 14 and 30 days after injury induction (DAI). Wistar rats were used, divided into six treatments: saline (NaCl 0.9%) silver sulfadiazine 1% Silvercel Mepilex Ag Aquacel Ag and Acticoat. To evaluate the morphometric, macroscopic and microscopic aspects of experimentally induced partial-thickness burns in rats treated with different silver-based dressings.