In the same year Saskia de Brauw was made the new face of Saint Laurent menswear. There’s the voguing and.the make-up and that whole thing.” “There’s so much more involved (in female modeling). She says modelling as a man is just easier than modelling as a woman. Last year Casey Legler was signed to Ford Models, becoming the first female to model exclusively as a male.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, female models are also pushing established gender norms. Just last year he received considerable media attention after featuring in a sexually driven Japanese advertisement for Toyota. Ukrainian male model Stav Strashko is emerging in high demand as a female model. Since Pejic, the doors have opened for androgynous models to break into the fashion industry. Dubbed by the industry as ‘the prettiest boy in the world’, the stunning model was voted number 98 in FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women of 2011. However, in recent years, one model has emerged on the fashion scene who has changed the game.Īndrej Pejic, a local Melbourne model, achieved global recognition and success as a male-female model – that is, a male that models almost solely as a female. Open the nearest magazine and the reader will see that the interplay between genders is very much on trend.Īndrogyny is nothing new in popular culture with figures such as Prince, Annie Lennox, David Bowie, Lady Gaga and Marilyn Manson known for dancing across the line of gender. Boy-meets-girl has never been more literally represented than it is in fashion today.