Opal possesses standard Gem abilities, bubbling, shapeshifting, fusion, regeneration, agelessness, and superhuman strength/durability. While her actual personality has not yet been confirmed it can be assumed that she has a similar personality to Opal, who is forgetful but strong and also very graceful and agile. She also wears blue ballet flats with pink tipped toes. She also has a light blue trim at the bottom of her capris. Her stomach is exposed and she wears orange Capri leggings with a tight purple belt, and her capris have one star on each upper thigh and they are the same color as her belt.

Under her jacket she has a low cut jagged yellow and purple shirt that is asymmetrical and reveals the three gems on her chest. She wears a light blue jacket with slightly puffy sleeves that have thin dull teal lining at the end of them, and her second pair of arms come right out of her jacket without having any sleeves of their own. Her gems are on her forehead, right cheek, chest, her upper left arm, the back of her upper right hand, and on her naval, and they are all colored in pastel yellows, pinks, and blues just like other Opals. She also has a small waist and slim but curvy legs and feet. She has four slender arms that extend from her shoulders, and the top pair are bare while the lower pair are solid medium pink, and she has slim hands and fingers. Her hair is fluffy and long and has a large curl on the right side which comes from 8XJ, and her hair is styled in a ponytail and is peach with peach-pink highlights. She also has a long pointy nose and plump lips.
#Amethyst 8xj cracked
She has pink skin with two large eyes that are yellow and pink, and because of Pink Pearl’s notorious cracked and scarred left eye, Super Opal’s left eye is squinting and has noticeable cracks. Super Opal has a very similar appearance to other Opals, however because she is made up of more Gems she is realistically much larger.